手のひら冷却で熱中症予防 – Sun Pharmacy Healthcare Letter –



1, 熱中症予防に「手のひら冷却」が注目されている

手のひらには動脈と静脈をつなぐ動静脈吻合(ふんごう)(AVA=Arteriovenous Anastomoses)という体温調整を担う血管があります。通常は閉じていますが、体温が上がるとAVAが開通して一度に多くの血液を流し、手のひらから熱を逃がすことができます。

2, 洗面器に10〜15℃の水を張り、5〜10分間手をつけるというもの


3, 熱中症の症状と重症度






Preventing Heatstroke with Palm Cooling

1, “Palm cooling” has been gaining attention as a measure to prevent heatstroke

The palm of your hand contains blood vessels responsible for regulating body temperature. By simply cooling your hands with running water or submerging them in a basin of water, you can achieve an overall cooling effect on your entire body. This practice has also spread to sports fields, and experts recommend palm cooling in conjunction with proper hydration.
The blood vessels responsible for temperature regulation, known as Arteriovenous Anastomoses (AVA), connect arteries and veins in the palm. Normally, these vessels are closed, but when body temperature rises, AVA opens up, allowing a large amount of blood to flow through and release heat from the palm.

2, Recommended method is to fill a basin with water at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees, Celsius and submerge both hands for 5 to 10 minutes

Avoid prolonged exposure of your hands to ice-cold water. Overcooling should be avoided, as excessively cold water causes the blood vessels to contract. A temperature of around 15 degrees Celsius, which feels pleasantly cool, is optimal.
Compared to capillaries, AVA has a diameter ten times larger and a blood flow rate approximately ten thousand times higher, making even short exposure effective in providing a sense of coolness and reducing skin temperature.
Interestingly, frequent hand washing can also contribute to preventing heatstroke.

3, Symptoms and Severity of Heatstroke

In the early stages of heatstroke, symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, muscle cramps in the legs, and abdominal muscle spasms may occur. As the condition worsens, headaches, nausea, and a feeling of extreme fatigue may set in. In more severe cases, heatstroke can lead to loss of consciousness, full-body spasms, and extremely high body temperature, and in some cases, it can be fatal.
Identifying Urgent Cases.

If someone is suspected of experiencing heatstroke, assess the following two criteria:

・Is the person conscious and responsive when spoken to?
・Can the person open a bottle and drink water on their own? (For adults)

If the person fails to meet these criteria, it is crucial to promptly transport them to a medical facility.
Heatstroke can occur mainly during the daytime, but it may also happen at night or during sleep. It is essential for older adults, children, individuals with underlying health conditions, and those feeling unwell or experiencing a hangover to manage their condition and take preventive measures.

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